
big tent

We do everything in the big tent. We meet, we eat, we count the supplies, we laugh, we cry, we build and we die. Every time we lost someone, there will be another empty bottle stacking in the corner. Best whiskey out in the wild. Worst, too. How can tears be spicier than alcohol?

base camp

Getting kicked out of the city, joining the Verloren, means you are officially one of the nomadic underdogs. Why are Herras always the underdogs? That seems unfair. Fortunately, you have chooms that think the same way as you. Load up the firearms and prepare to fight. for this battle is the battle of your life.


Inside of Verloren Leader’s trailer. A secret sucker for rock music, calm, professional and always know what’s best for her family. Wait…are those…pictures taken with the headmaster of Stellera Academy? Did they even know each other?